Exporting Element Information to Excel: How to Match Element IDs with Correct Parameter Values for Same Family but Different Parameter Information Elements in Dynamo?

Hello everyone,

I am new here and working on a Dynamo script to export element information to Excel. The script includes elements of the same family (Structural Framing) but with different parameter information. As a result, when I export the data to Excel, the element IDs and their respective parameter values do not match up one-to-one. Could you please help me address this issue and ensure that each element ID is paired with the correct parameter values (Cut length & length)?

Thank you very much for your assistance!

We cant read the script image
zoom into one node and use the camera button in the top right. This way we can see the node titles.

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Oops sry, didn’t notice that.

I recommend using two sheets for this. One for the family instances and one for the family types. Otherwise you run the risk of mismatched values in the family types (ie: the beam is both 8 units deep and 12 units deep) and you’ll only get one. IT will also make it so you can export the element ID or GUID for both the family type and family instances so that you can round trip effectively.

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Thank you for your advice!