I tried to export the information of some of the door’s parameter to EXCEL, then as I understand when I tried to get the element, Dynamo will sort it automatically depending on the ID (Ascending)
in this example, I want to get the level parameter and the family name of the door, is the element [0] of level parameter matching the element [0] in the family name parameter
@de_tarek2 Post the file or show the entire graph.
thanks for respond man
i’m traying to export all the information of the door’s parameter to excel then i noticed 2 things:
1.the levels exported depending on the ID not on the name and if i want to sort it by(SORTBYFUNCTION)i need to make sure the families list will match tje levels after sort it !!!
2.the material is shared parameter, in the exce file there is no value (empty column)
this is the dynamo
Home.dyn (15.6 KB)
@de_tarek2 First sort the elements and then extract parameter values
Also, you can further optimize your graph. See if this works…
SortByLevel.dyn (9.4 KB)
Thanks a lot man it’s working much better,
can you please check the second point of the last comment [quote=“de_tarek2, post:3, topic:6813”]
2.the material is shared parameter, in the exce file there is no value (empty column)
this is the dynamo
or do i need to create another TOPIC
Ensure that the Material Shared Parameter is an Instance Parameter, like the others
i need it to be type shared parameter
Thanks a lot, man but still the material’s column empty,
may be because the materials are the property of the elements!!!
what I was thinking maybe it’s much easy if there is a way to export all the information from the door schedule directly to excel then imported again after modified it , because for example if I want to get the room number (in the door schedule) also it’s long process yes
do you think it’s better to create new topic
Hi All,
There is a video about exporting dataset from Revit to Excel.
Dynamo - Export Dataset to Excel Datasheet
Hope this is helpful!
Does @Vikram_Subbaiah solution show the materials under the node as a preview and not export, or is that node empty as well? Is it a different parameter name than “Material”?
I’ll just keep repeating myself .
I would just simply use the BIMOne Import Export Excel add-in .