Export to Excel, format of number

I have a Generic Note that I want to export to Excel
One of the parameters is an instance text note that I record the sheet that the note is on.


I am having trouble with the format of excel.

When using ScheduelView.Export, when it is sent to Excel it looses the format of the text for 20.00 to be 20

I tried to export read the parameter myself but it does not seem to exist?

Can anyone help?

Hi @Justin_Wright

Could you drop your Generic Note Family here.

I think this is an excel issue not a dynamo one. Excel handles numbers written as 20.00 as if they were only 20. So you either need to change the formatting in Excel so the numbers all show two decimal places, or in Dynamo convert the number to a string, remove unwanted extra zeros or add additional zeros as necessary and live wth not being able to use the string as a number in excel or on a return trip back to Revit.

If those options don’t solve the problem, please share a Revit file containing the annotations and your Dynamo script and I can have a look later.