Export to DWFx error views cannot be printed GeniusLoci

Hello I get error trying to expor to DWFx while using the node Export DWFx in Document of GeniusLoci v.2021.4.13. It is mentioning something about views but I do not know what is the error to fix, it worked well other times, I also see about error, views cannot be printed. The views input is a list of views in documents. does it mean I need same printer settings in the Revit file I got opened?

Hi @ruben.romero,

Please show the entire graph with previews enabled under the nodes.

Hello @Alban_de_Chasteigner I share a reduced version of the script, so you can see what happens. Choose a directory to take Revit project files and the directory to export the DWFx files.

I got a warning telling me that this script is using an old version of your package, so not sure what is the issue here, but explore with detail the script shared. The Revit version is 2021, same as in the past when the script package nodes worked fine.

Export All Revit Documents Views_Sheets to DWFx.dyn (40.3 KB)

It works well with views that can be printed. Please check the types of views you are trying to export. For example, schedules cannot be exported, and the All Views output was connected to the List Create node.


the views are floor plans, ceiling plans, structural plans, drafting views, sections, 3d views, also sheets anything else except schedules and legends as you can see in the node GET ALL VIEWS of your package Genius Loci.

What makes a view not printable?, what understands Python as a printable view? so what are the exceptions to be printable in Python/Revit?, is it about printing settings in my Revit file or something else?