Hi everyone,
I didn’t get the idea from previous topics so SOORY for this.
I’m trying to export multiple schedules to csv without opening revit files.
situation is - I don’t have excel installed on my pc and I have multiple Revit files which contains multiple schedules,
so Im trying to create .csv files for each revit file which will contain all schedules Without using excel nodes
but Im not able to write this data to single csv as per revit file.
which nodes can do this?
2020-4 Export schedules with several documents.dyn (34.0 KB)
Try changing the fieldDelimiter input to ","
with a code or string node
Hi @vishalghuge2500 know is isnt dynamo, but i use commandpromt for that there are many examples how it can be done on the internet
So you want to take all the csv files and merge them into a single csv?
After export have Dynamo open the CSV files for each sublist, and read the data. Use a List.Deconstruct on each sub-sublist list to pull out all the headers. Flatten the rests of the items in each sublist, add the first header of each sublist to the front of the flattened sublist, and finally save the sublists to a pair of CSV files.
The exported CSVs can be deleted, but I would likely keep them around for posterity.
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sorry i don’t understand.
i want my output like this
Hi dont think csv accept multiple worksheets, and i guess if you save your example image as an csv you will get an error…
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I was not aware of this,
if excel is not installed on pc then can we export data to excel format by using dynamo?
Think if you export to open xml then you will could open them in Libre office as it looks like you use…and in your graph you can get the schedule value with Bimorph nodes…another free option could be google sheet…arhh see now you are in 2020 not sure dynamo have the open xml export there…but not 100 sure
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To work with excel data you’d need to have excel on the system, or the open xml nodes… If you don’t have ‘OpenXMLExportExcel’ in your library, then you have some options:
- Build a new node utilizing the open office api to put things into place (very big lift to accomplish)
- Build your own OpenXML excel export node (big lift as you can fork stuff from the Dyanmo Github)
- Break the automation into two parts: One to export, and a second one run from Dynamo Sandbox 2.13 or higher to assemble them into one excel file. (medium lift, but requires two actions on your part)
- Combine the two datasets into one CSV as described and import the CSV into open office manually as a second automation routine (medium lift but requires a non-automated step)
- Install excel and use the nodes you already have (lightest lift, but requires buying office)
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ok I’m installing excel now 
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yes think it will give less headache 
Export Multiple Schedules To Excel without opening Revit Models
if anyone want this,
Export Multiple Schedules To Excel without opening Revit Models.dyn (38.4 KB)