Export schedule images to excel

Hi All

Is there a way to export schedule images to excel?

My rebar schedule doesnt fit on an a4 page and its extremely frustrating to print it to pdf to send it to be cut

Hello…if you use Bumblebee, you can try this one here…

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Alright but Im not sure how to use that. BBdata, imagestyle and Runit, what does that refer to and what do I plug in there?

Look I asked this a year ago the syntax Im not sure of, hasnt been explained since and no one can see the thread unless they specifically type in the topic. Even with the BB data how does one use it? Doesnt help you give me a link to Bumble bee primer and I dont know how to use the nodes.I cant delete this thread either

The Sheetname, does that refer to the sheets?

So now my question still is unsolved, 10 months down the line. Can you do me a favour and just recommend how to delete this topic

These typically dont get deleted, locked at most. The primer I linked goes in depth on how most of the nodes work including the formation of a bbdata object like you asked.

Programming takes time and research, suggest practicing this whenever you get time - it will make you a more capable programmer as you journey further.

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Okay but I need to know where to start at least :man_facepalming:. I just need to take something like the above image from my schedules and and run it so it looks the same in excel. Doesnt help you send me a link to a website full of nodes I dont know how to connect. Its like if you program in two languages, the syntax is similar yet different.

From what I did gather from the link is you can write data into excel. How do you collect the data from your schedule like the one I posted, if its possible?Ive tested it on some random sheet but it completes the run and nothing happens

I haven’t used this before, but you appear to be close.

The Embed Image node has four inputs, 3 of which are unconnected, and as such it’s in a function state (per the watch node), meaning nothing has been executed. IT takes:

  • A “filePath” value, which we an assume you’ve wired in correctly.
  • A “RunIt” value, which we can assume to be a Boolean (True/False) value.
  • A “BBData” value, which is named in such a way as to make me think the BB Data node on the lower left from that could be plugged into that.
  • An “imageStyle” value, which… nothing yet looks to match well. Howewver knowing Konrad’s organizational techniques, I think it’s safe to say that searching your library for “imageStyle” and limiting the search to the BumbleBee package should help there.

I’m also going to guess that the resulting output likely will be more BBData, which will need to be written out using the Write Excel node you have in an executing state above.

So the issue is with the embed image node and how to use it. I would think that it connects like below but nothing happens. Image style likely to do with the pixels and png/jpeg. If I can get it to embed the images into the excel file I can pretty much take the rest from there, but understanding how or where it draws data from remains a mystery. I would think a direct plug to the schedule would work but nothing happens

BB Data doesn’t read a schedule view object, it reads a matrix of data (list of lists).

Embedding an image is best done in live mode in my experience like below, and I’ve included some data also:

To export your schedule you’re going to need to apply a fair bit of cell formatting probably as well, and convert positions of images to cell indices. It’s complex, and will take some reading of the BB primer to get your head around. Bimorph nodes and Crumple have nodes for reading schedule contents as a matrix. This should be plenty for you to go off of now.

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hey buddy, this plugin is exactly what you need