I have an MEP model with and Architectural Linked model.
I am trying to export Space Numbers and Room Numbers to excel to easily compare both with conditional formatting (this doesn’t seem possible within revit).
In my Space Schedule, I see that the room number Parameter is called “Room: Number” but dynamo does not seem to export the values of this parameter for each Space Instance.
Is there an easy way to get this parameter into excel from my model or do I need to export the room parameter directly from the linked model?
Hi @moesterling. Firstly, just checking that you know about the “Space Naming” function in Revit?
Also you can export a schedule from Revit to txt file and load it into Excel.
What is it exactly you are trying to do in dynamo, and could you show what you have tried to do so far?
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Thanks for the reply @danielU3R39!
My end goal is to keep my HAP load calc file in coordination with the revit model. A lot of the room names and numbers have changed as the design has progressed. I know I can easily rename all of my spaces based on the linked room names but once I do that it will be difficult to cross reference my model with my load calc.
Obviously, this would all be solved if I could figure out the Analytical Load Calculations… but that is a different discussion.
For now, I will take your advice and just export the file directly from revit to a .txt and go from there.
A fellow HAP user!
I have found it useful in the past to append the Element ID to the HAP room name during the initial import-to-HAP step, this leaves you something to reference that isn’t as mutable as names/numbers.
As for why the Room:Number is not filled in for your Space Instance, it could be that the linked model does not actually have a room element in that bounded space (such as a chase), it will read as “Unoccupied” in the properties bar but schedule as a blank field. I have also seen this issue occur with corrupted room geometry.
For what it is worth, you are able to call the Room Parameters from the Space element in Dynamo: