Export Image by View extents

I’m trying to see if there is a way to export images by view but to limit the view extents to the extents of a single element.
Konrad’s great archi-lab package has a useful “Export Image by View” node. However, it is limited by Revit’s OOTB image export tools.
Is there a way to go around them and do a “Fit to Page” but for a specific element?

Or alternatively, is there a way to reset the ‘crop view’ on a set of views to frame a specific element
The Clockwork package does have a way to create 3d crop views by element (so Revit is somewhat aware of those extents).

I like to know also if this is possible. I used few months ago the 3d crop views from clockwork and it did crop it by elements but when export to image using archi-lab export to image. No matter what settings i do it still export with white spaces and not zoom extents to the element. I hope someone can help on this. Thanks.