Hey guys.
I’m trying to export elements from my project to FBX. Only some elements or a specific category. I’ve already tried with Data shapes nodes and this print one, but I wasn’t successful, only with a complete project, could you give me some path or guidance? Thank you once again.
Hello @cintiamiranda21 I would try with a directory from path
Thanks for the answer, but it didn’t affect anything. In fact, now it doesn’t even save the entire project
Export.dyn (18.7 KB)
arh yeah if you are in24 wombat node doesnt work havent been upgraded, try datashapes instead and see how that goes
I don’t know if it’s me who doesn’t understand. But I want the routine to export only one type of project category, not the entire project.
And every attempt I make is successful, I can only export the entire project.
What would I have to do?
First create a routine to isolate the objects of a category in a view and then export the objects from this view to fbx?
See it is exporting the entire project and I only want the internal furniture
Not sure but I think that you need to create a view with that category isolated to start with, just like the FBX export in the Revit UI. Keep in mind you will have to end the transaction and perhaps refresh the document in between creating the isolated view and running the export.
Yes, that’s what I imagined.
That was my attempt, but something is wrong, what could it be?
Isolate in view _ export to fbx.dyn (59.8 KB)
You’re exporting the current view, but you are isolating elements in a duplicate of 3D view. Try exporting the duplicate view instead.
You’re plugging in elements into a filename input - that wont work. Read the error and input types.
Try isolating the elements of category then exporting instead.
Edit; ah didnt read right above me (only top of thread)…
Yeah all what already mention
but you could try as here and see if it work
I really appreciate your help, but I still don’t understand the reason for the error.
Sometimes this error appears, and when it doesn’t appear, it doesn’t create the view or export it.
for export to fbx you need a 3d view
Ah… perfect! It must be in the 3D view and cannot have other views open. I had another view open.
It worked! Wonder!
Thank you very much!