August 24, 2017, 9:12am
Dear everybody!Can you for me solution! Export all Revit views to Single DWG File by dynamo
August 24, 2017, 10:28am
Are you looking to get all the revit sheets to one cad file with all the sheet layouts in it?
August 24, 2017, 10:42am
This could inspire you to build your first attempt:
2d coordination sections are required by one of our sub-contractors. I have created a graph that creates the sections at the agreed locations, names the sections according to the naming convention, creates a view set of the section views exports them as DWF files & PDF files, but they also require them as DWG files. I cannot find a way of exporting them through dynamo so I have to go back to Revit and export the manually. I would appreciate it if anyone has any ideas.
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August 24, 2017, 3:37pm
Yes i really need it.Can you help me!
August 24, 2017, 3:42pm
Sorry to insist but it is required to show what you have tried before asking for help. Please read the forum guidelines carefully if you did not already:
One of the main goals of the Dynamo community is to help others. One way to do that is by answering your questions. But to get the right answer, you’ll first have to ask your question in the right way. Although people are generally very helpful, there are things you can do to improve your chances of getting good and quick answers. Below you will find some suggestions on how to achieve that. Do not think of these suggestions as rules and especially do not take them as a guarantee of getting an an…
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August 24, 2017, 3:51pm
Very thank you for helping me understand more about the forum! Since I am a new member, I do not understand the rules of the forum, so please understand and I will do better next time.
August 24, 2017, 3:57pm
No problem, please send your attempts (use Drive, Dropbox or similar if you can’t upload files yet)
August 24, 2017, 4:24pm
Dear Kulkul, and this is the manual way of revit that you have done and I want the dynamo application to look for the solution solution time.Please see this video
The question is so clear in the title and is there any solution for it? For revit except dynmo or sth. ?