Excel to revit family placement

I am trying to make a script which can place multiple revit family from excel. Till last point it is working fine but i don’t getting any output at last node.


It’s not working fine, all the outputs are showing “null”. Check your excel file and make sure you get the data from Excel imported.

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Thanks for your reply, But snap i posted previously is without run snap. please review this snap. it is working till last node.

What do the warnings (yellow notifications above the yellow highlighted nodes) say? You can copy-paste the text if you expand the warning, highlight the text, and hit ctrl + c while leaving your mouse in the notification pop up.

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the warning is

Warning: One or more of the input types are not matching. Couldn’t find a version of ByCoordinates that takes arguments of type (__array,__array,__array)

try using flatten node before feeding by coordinates node.

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Check your data type by using Object.Type Node after your 3 list that should contain numbers, they might have been defined as strings in Excel to begin with.

Show the output from the yellow nodes, it is possible that 1 of the 16 values is an error, that is a different sort of fix then if there is just no output and the entire Node is errorring out.

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This is always a good thing to check - my guess is there is an empty list or nulls somewhere.

@ishanmehta91 if you can’t make it work after that please provide the excel file for review so we can reproduce.

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