I am not a big expert in Dynamo. I am trying to import some data from an excel sheet to new family parameters I have created on Revit. However, I am getting such warning which I could not solve by myself… Please, anyone could help me having a look into my nodes bellow? Thanks a lot!
Can you wore an element.parameters node to the unique keys output and watch that for me? It feels as if this is a parameter name issue but I can’t tell.
Just got the same message
Ah! I You’re feeding a family type name (a string) into the element.setparameterbyname!
Try using an Element.Type node from either the Rhythm package or the Clockwork Package and see what that gets you.
Well… now it is not displaying any error anymore, however, the final result is an empty list… its not grabbing the data I need into the Revit parameters.
I’ve exploiting some possibilities and different nodes and the problem seems to be placed in the List.GroupByKey node… it is not grouping the different types of roofing names with the areas as it should…
Just worked perfectly!! Thank you so much for all your help and patience!
Glad I could help.