I’m trying to create horizontal lines on a surface that is evenly spaces in the vertical direction (1400mm).
I’m using a wall as my face, the wall is slanted, so I’m guessing this is why my curves is not horizontal, but don’t know how to fix it?
Do you mean aligned to your surface’s top and bottom edges? You’re getting horizontal now.
Take the vertical edge curves and divide them into evenly spaced points. Then draw a curve between those points.
Yes, in this case I’m looking to align them. But, I have no vertical walls like this (red lines shows how I would like the curves to be:
In the end I like to placed points on each line with a randomized distance, changing between 300 and 500mm. On these points I like to place facebased families. Don’t know if I manage to explain this in a clear way :). Sorry about that
I must have misread the images. The first one looks like what you’re asking for then but must be at an angle.
Get the bounding box of the geometry and use that to draw your horizontal curves. For walls that don’t follow the global X and Y directions you can then project the curve back onto the wall surface.
So this is what I came up with. It feels like it could be done in an easier way? but this is what came out of me head. It projects lines and maintains a perfect horizontal line no matter if the wall is slanted or has angles that are not 90 degrees. And it maintains 1400mm spacing between the lines even if the wall is slanted.
The next thing I would like to do is to place points on each line with spaces of 300 or 500 mm spread out the length of the lines in a randomized order.
randompanels.dyn (183.5 KB)
It’s probably worth starting a new topic for the randomly spaced points. It would be good to link back to this one for context, but restate what it is you’re trying to do and show what you’ve tried so far.
Hello, I started with a BB, choosing the right curve and projection on the face.
for the random distribution of points on curves (another subject as mentioned by Mr. Nick)
here is script Forum english 22 aout 2023 rep4.dyn (59.6 KB)
here is a script more efficient than the previous one
Forum english 23 aout 2023 rep1.dyn (38.5 KB)
(indeed by posting the 1st script, I realized that if the wall was steeply inclined, my 2nd filtering on the length would be irrelevant)
Thank you @Nick_Boyts and @christian.stan !
I’ve finally found something that worked for my purpose. I used a bounding box to cuboid that I rotated with the wall and created my lines from there. It seems to work on all kind of walls with different shapes and angles.
randompanels_02.dyn (115.0 KB)