Error with Override Elements in view node

Hi I am new to the forum and to Dynamo and was hoping to get some help with this script I have tried to make.
It made it following along with a video on Youtube and the purpose of the script is to highlight elements based on parameter values. I followed each step in the video and think i have each section done correctly however when I run it I get an error on the Element.OverrideInView node. I am stuck on how I can get this to work, any ideas on what the issue might be?

Thanks in advance

This is the error I get on 5. Override Elements

Hey @bertilak welcome to forum

Here’s your solution:- just take wire from 1st group(all elements of category in view) and connect it in 3rd group at the place of list in List.FilterbyBoolMask and it’ll work perfectly.

What u did is you gave strings in Element.OverrideInView where the node is expecting elements because from filter list is coming as strings instead we need elements.


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Thats great, it works now. Thank you.

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@bertilak That’s great, Please mark as solved as it helps community to understand it’s resolved.
