Error in reading image file _ new version






When I insert a “file path” node, so that I read the image pixels. It gives me this error. I’m using the new official release of Dynamo.

Could anyone tell me why this happens?










From the 0.7.4 release you will have to add both the File.FromPath node and Image.ReadFromFile node. Read about the reasons for this on the Dynamo blog from the top menu.


Thank you Jostein Olsen for your reply.

Hello Ahmad Saad,

We have changed this to make Dynamo responsive to your file changes on disk and shouldn’t be holding your file when you reference that in Dynamo.

Now if you edit ans save image file then re running graph will take the changes from image, earlier that scenario was not working.




Thank you Jostein and Ritesh! It works now. :slight_smile:


A Big Thank you Jostein!!!