Error importing csv of timetables

Does dynamo import the time in this wrong form? how could I solve it? Thanks in advance.

That appears to be a valid form, and as you haven’t posted the initial CSV we can’t help as things look good.

Build a similar CSV with the same headers and data types, and populate with 5 instances of randomly generated data. Post that and explain what you are looking for and then the community can provide some guidance.

Sorry, I can’t import csv. If I import csv, my dynamo read 0,4166666. Not 09:50:00.

There appears to be an issue with the formatting, but I can’t see what that is.

Can you remove all the data below the line with 9:50 in it and post the file here, or somewhere else (Dropbox, Google drive, box, onedrive, etc.) for review?

Sorry, I hadn’t thought about google drive.


Ah! Sorry I missed this. Can you make the Google drive link open? I don’t have a gmail for work purposes.

do not worry, indeed I thank you for your availability

Looked over the CSV; there is a split between ‘date’ (column A) and ‘time’ (column B) which appears to be intentional. If you want to build a date time object from the two you’ll need to read both fields, merge them into a single string (date+ “, “ + b In a code block will do the trick), and then convert the string into a datetime object using a DateTime.FromString node.

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