Envelopping Rooms Labels Seeking Advice on Extracting Level Elevation and Writing to Room Label Parameter

yes I see that it writes no parameter found by that name, this even wih a String.
RH01 is a shared parameter so defined on Revit. And thanks, Yes I am already studying the link you sent me

The quotes denote a string in a code block. The orange tells you it’s a string (vs white for a variable). The quotes are not needed for the String node because it’s already defined as a string.

Below you can see the difference between a variable (without quotes) and a string (with quotes). The first line creates an undefined variable (because I haven’t assigned it a value) and creates an input port to assign through. The second line turns orange because the object is a string. The output from the node confirms this as well.

If you provide the name correctly, you should be able to get/set the parameter value. This is assuming that the element you’re providing has the parameter in question. Remember, if it’s a type parameter then you need to provide the family type. Only instance parameters will show up under the family instance.

Hi ,
I want to thank all you for your help, it works!

I have to say that there are some lmits, actually one model works fine, another can load the new parameters on the rooms but it is not showing the parameter on the tag. Just the same familiy loaded in another model with the same parameter. Any idea?