ElementIntersectsElementFilter aparently not working

Hello everyone,

So I’m working on a script to minimize problems that the openings plugin we use to do openings (ITANNEX) cannot handle alone. The goal is to:

  • identify openings which are “clashing” with some other openings :white_check_mark:
  • identify openings which are NOT “clashing” with MEP (meaning probably the path of the pipe have been moved) :white_check_mark:
  • identify openings which are NOT “clashing” with ARCH/STRU (meaning probably the arch/struc company changed something) :x:

But I’m struggling with the last part, cause apparently this method simply do not work with links (??)

Itannex - Example - Structural files.rvt (436 KB)

Found some examples in C#, like following:

But it’s a bit unclear for me how this would look like in Python (yeah, maybe I need to start to learn C# basics, but for now I still can’t relate them well)

I’m attaching the revit and the python file to ease things
ITANNEX COMPLEMENT_ Check Openings clashing each other or left alone.dyn (54.1 KB)
Processing: Itannex.zip…

Hi, @luupieper

Check Bimorph package. There’s good tools for linked elements clash detection.

For "identify openings which are “clashing” with some other openings " use element.inresect solid. And after that we need to apply Python script for making unique a-b and b-a clusters, which are same in model. P.m. me please, I’ll post it here.

Also check Python from ElementsOfCategoryIntersectingElement from RIE package.

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something like this?

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Hey Guys, thanks a lot for the answers … In the end I convinced the company to solve their onw problems

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