Hi, I used to design with this node and now I can’t find it in Clockwork for Dynamo 2.x. Hints / ideas?
It should be there. I haven’t removed it from the package. Maybe a reinstall of the package will help?
Ok, I reinstalled the package, restarted Revit and Dyanamo and now the node appears when I search for “ownerview”. Thanks for creating this very useful package.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Clockwork for 2.3.
I still don’t seen Element.OwnerView whether by search or expanding every Clockwork folder in the Dynamo library bar. I see it in the dyf folder. I wonder if there is something about it that Dynamo 2.3 can’t read or index correctly. I think i got around it by dragging the dyf into the Dynamo window, taking the contents and making a new custom node out of it.