Element location point not found in a ROOM but Rhythm finds it for same element

Hello all,

A family is not found inside any room by Dynamo core nodes, but for some unknown reason, Rhythm package node “FamilyInstances.Room” finds the element in a room.

Using dynamo core nodes, I found a family identified not located in any room of the project due a modelling error, as I found the Z coordinate of its location point as -0.050mm.

but how is possible that the node of Rhythm can find it inside a room?

is Rhythm considering more element location conditions than a location point?

I also tested to edit the family and remove all its geometry and place the same family without geometry in the project, but identical results, Rhythm finds the family inside room and core nodes do not find the family in a room.

I thought the trick is to get the family geometry and get a centroid point of it using a bounding box, but without geometry in the family this is not possible.

In this script I want to avoid dynamo packages, otherwise more than happy to use Rhythm.

Because rhythm has more electrolytes.

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But in all seriousness, it might be because Rhythm obtains the phase from the element and the core one just uses the last phase in the project. Meaning it might be looking for a room in your last phase and there isn’t one.




Thanks for the code comparison, I don’t get any conclusions looking at it.

The fact here is that the family origin point is not inside any room because room starts at height Z 0mm and family is at Z -0.05mm, but then how is possible that rhythm node finds it inside the room?

Is the node considering the green dot, room location point instead of the family origin point?

Removing geometry still finds the family inside rooms at unique phase in the project.


The ootb node uses what my node used to do. my bad. lol

Rhythm uses the family origin and finds the room in that family’s phase with it. I had made this change a while back do to some user feedback. We were noticing people who wanted to get the family instance room when no location point was enabled.

conclusion, both nodes are looking same family point but the rhythm node also looking rooms in latest phase used in the project, which is the same here, then there’s no difference between both nodes, although different result…

I would start new post with the question: is possible to find the green dot of the family with Dynamo instead of finding the family point that is aligned around the project level as usual?

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