"Edited by" Parameter not Updating with Changes

Trying to find a way to determine what’s been changed in a selection set between runs and the only parameter I’ve found (so far) is “Edited by” seems the best bet… but when the first run changes the element the “Edited by” parameter remains blank. That’s… odd. Anyway to force that parameter to update? Barring that, any other parameters that could be considered universal? I need to filter User Keynotes, Generic Annotations, Text Notes, Detail Items (inc. Filled Regions), and Drafting Lines.

You’re checking for the status midway through a transaction, which will fail as per the API documentation here: WorksharingUtils Class

the intent is for this to be between subsequent runs – i assume i need deal with dynamo’s persistence here (i know i’m saying it wrong)?

if i ran this from player then it should update, yes?

Run twice via player, yes I believe so.