DynamoIronPython 2.7 might be affecting Clockwork?

I have a script that was working perfectly in Revit 2022, but when I tried to test it out on 2023 some nodes would work but Clockwork 2.X and Genius Loci seemed to give me issues. I have tried multiple versions of the DynamoIronPython 2.7 package and even tried updating clockwork but no matter what I’ve tried, I still can’t seem to get clockwork working again in Revit 2023. Below are the standard packages that I regularly use. Data-Shapes seems to be working fine in this script. Is there something I’m missing? :man_shrugging:t2:

I’ve tried the IronPython 2.7 package versions 2.4.0 and 2.5.0 but neither seem to fix the issue. Any insights would be greatly appreciated! I would ideally like to not have to update my other packages, since these have already been deployed to our company.

I haven’t had any issues with either of these. Are you sure you are on the latest version of each?

I would watch out utilising the latest version of DynamoIronPython2.7(Version 3.x). because it seems to be built for dynamo 3 which means it will not work with the earlier versions of Dynamo 2.X.

I would therefore suggest a closing of dynamo and revit(if using revit), then go to the packages folder and manually delete the version in question. then once deleted open dynamo again and re-install the correct package, this seems to fix a issue where the packages was not loading correctly.