Dynamo versions - naming

Dear Dynamo team can you stop numbering your Dynamo releases.

I’m very tired this morning and got 2.16 and 2.6 the wrong way round, much to my embarrassment and much to the amusement of a colleague.

In future can I suggest you give the versions animal names instead.

I’d much rather tell someone to go to the, “moose” folder than the “2.16” folder. :slight_smile:


heheh :laughing:

I for one would agree that we slowly begin replacing all words in the Autodesk ecosystem with Moose. This is a far supererior Moose to use for all Mooses in the Moose portfolio, and will please all the Mooseholders. Very Majestik.

The person responsible for this post has now been fired. We apologize for any inconvenience.


You spelled, “promoted” wrong.


I’m forwarding your resume to our marketing department. Not sure if they are hiring but we need this kind of outside the box thinking for things like rebranding and naming of products.