Dynamo string zero decimal places / units

Hello Forum

Would I be able to ask for your help with an issue I cannot work out. I am doing a simple task of getting the string value from a parameter, in this case from a Mass Floor parameter called ‘MASS LEVEL’. The value should be “02”, but it is coming out as “2.000”. It seems to drop the zero at the front and add the decimal places. Does anyone know why it is doing this, and what I can do to get the value it should be? Please see screengrabs below:
Mass Level value
“MASS LEVEL” value it should be.

This is the value I am getting “2.000”, rather than “02”.

Thank you for any help with this.

This is a known bug. The “.000” isn’t actually there, just appears to be.

The decimal and associated data only appears in the Dynamo UI.


Hi Jacob

Thank you for this. Fingers crossed it will fixed soon. I have tested setting the value and it works.

Value output2

Thanks again

I use this code for joining strings, and it has corrected the bug. Thought this might be helpful for others with this issue. Thanks

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I believe it is fixed in 2.19 and 2.17… Revit is just in an intermediate phase where this is an issue. :rofl: