Dynamo select same polycurve with different curve numbers

Hello everyone.
I’ve imported one CAD file into dynamo,but when I use two different dynamo scripts to select this CAD file,Two different script leads to different curve numbers;

And the first script failed to operate the “poly.ByJoinedCurves”, I checked the polycurve it seems some of the curves are lost ,so they can’t joined together.

Have anyone ever run into this kind of problems?

Check the geometry scaling on the two files. My guess is they differ between the two.

What is the error on the 2nd graphs Element.Geometry node?

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Thanks Jcaob,It’s the scaling problem. :grinning:

Hi , could you please give me some advice on how to solve this problem ? :confounded:

1\The 2nd graph node errorimage ,I checked the geometry scaling , It’s “small” , after I switched to medium , the error disappear.
2\The 3nd graph ,in which , some of the curves are lost , I checked the geometry scaling , It’s “extra large” , after I switched to medium , the error disappear.

Hope this can help anyone who may have the same confusion.

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