Hi all, I’m sure this is a simple fix, but I’d like some hand-holding.
I’ve got a load of Yes/No parameters within my Sheets, and when a new sheet is generated, these parameters default to that greyed out, neither yes nor no option.
I’m after a script that I can run to look through the whole project, and any of these parameters that have this condition, set to False.
I think I can get Dynamo to set parameter values, but I don’t know technically what this in-between parameter value is in order to filter to it? It’s not True nor False
Try the set parameter value by name node…
Try entering the value as 0 or 1.
If it’s true, pull it out of the list. What was true before hand wants to stay true.
If it is false, leave it in - no harm in setting a false value to be a false value, right?
If it is neither, leave it in. You want it set false anyway.
This sounds like it might be my solution! Thanks, I’ll give it a try first thing next week