Dynamo Sandbox File Path

I am currently trying to create a zero touch node that involves only dynamo core and dynamo geometry. hence I am trying to specify a file like that of Dynamo Sandbox which was available in previous versions when we installed Revit. But I am unable to locate one to specify as the “Start external program” file. I really do not want to open Revit and then open Dynamo. Please help as debugging is becoming difficult. I am using Dynamo 2.13

  1. Download Dynamo 2.13 from DynamoBuilds.com.
  2. Extract the contents using 7zip (or otherwise deal with the mark of the web).
  3. Launch DynamoSandbox.exe to deal with the first use stuff, and make sure things run.
  4. Point your debugger at that exe.

Generally I recommend testing 2.12 and 2.13, as that will see if there are any issues in the older UI. You might want to get 2.18 while you’re at it, and test the resulting .dll and dyn in that environment to ensure forward capability.