Dynamo Path settings for packages

Since the introduction for Autodesk 2020 we have a Dynamo available for multiple Programs. All of them are using the same kind of packages.

I’ve automated the process of copying all the packages to the local hard drive for all users, and synchronising if anything changes.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to add a package path for all programs using Dynamo. Adding it manually to hundreds of people is really timeconsuming…

Does anyone know where the value for package paths is stored? So I can edit those files or keys remotely.

Many thanks in advance.

You mean this?
click settings, Manage Node and Package Paths


Hi @arjan.droge,

The package paths is stored in the DynamoSettings.xml file.
For example, for Dynamo 2.0, the xml file is in the folder :
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.0

Look for the line <CustomPackageFolders>


Thank you @Alban_de_Chasteigner,

This is what I meant.

Only one thing I don’t understand. Autodesk uses a separate Dynamo for different programs with their own settings. For exaple, I can have Revit Dynamo looking for one directory and Civil3D to another. But this suggests it is managed for all programs at once.

Can you or anyone elucidate on this?

Thanks again.

Every Dynamo for _____ has it’s own xml setting.

Most packages built for Dynamo for Revit won’t work with Dynamo for Civil 3D. Rhythm, Datashapes, etc all make calls to the Revit API so they often don’t work. I know some package managers who’ve got great ‘cross platform’ potential are working on updates accordingly.

This means you’ll need to separate your Dynamo Core functionality from your Dynamo for _____ functionality in your various pathings. Notice that in my directory I have Dynamo Core, Dynamo Revit, Dynamo for Civil 3D in my %appdata%\Dynamo directory.

Dynamo for Advanced Steel, FormIt, Alias and others also have similar folders (though I don’t recall where they are as I had to uninstall to free up C drive space).



Thank you for the response!

The thing I was missing was Civil3D uses a different standard location for it’s XML.
Instead of using the same path as core and Revit is uses:
C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\C3D 2020\Dynamo\2.1

Thanks all for the help. Now I can keep on tinkering.