Dynamo locating element (windows) in space. Parameter transfer

why windows which are created on standard metric template is not taken as belonging to space if they are in correct position. FamilyInstance.Space by Rhythm package.


Hi and Welcome to the Community!

I can see that the ‘Space.Number’ is throwing a warning, if you hover over it to read it, I will guess that some of your windows do not have a ‘Space’ and therefore, there is no number.

The reason is probably either a user issue… There is probably a window with no space.

I would recommend your next step would be to read and understand the warnings… Then I would look at the outputs from the nodes. I would probably then search ‘boolean filter’, to ensure only those spaces with a Space.Number have their parameter set.

Hope that helps,


Hi, this warning is not important.
Problem is that windows in correct position are not recognized as belonging to this “inside” space.


Look into the window family to see where the location point is relative to the origin. My gut tells me that you’re getting the from parameter which is on the inside of the room.

Hi, it’s checked. It is not moved. It was 1st thing I have done. To ensure I have load genuine window from library and result was the same. The problem is that we have no time to remodel windws in the whole project.

Hi @GA-LT here is an alternative way, could probably work in your case…

Thanks. Will try this solution.