I am also experiencing this issue, although I am using Dynamo for Civil 3D. The program has restarted, I have recreated this multiple times. I have saved the project as a new project and restarted the project completely.
I’m using Dynamo for Civil 3D , core and Civil 3D 13.2.890.0.
I’ll break this into a new thread. Can you record a screencast of launching C3D and recreating the issue. Development is already discussing things but we need to know how to recreate the issue As a first step.
Im not sure if screencast will shed light on anything. I am unsure what has caused this or what I have done to cause this. The issue became clear after I started creating a dictionary of keys and linking excel files.
Civil 3D and Dynamo has crashed a few times before that as well since some of the nodes seem to be a little too much for the single thread that Civil 3D uses (or I am creating a bottleneck of information somewhere). I think I will focus on that workflow if I can actually get it working again.
We are in the same boat. The one time I have seen this (when I was testing the beta), I found that restarting C3D fixes things. Does that work for you? If so then hopefully you can keep working.
It is possible to move into primitives and let Python inside of Dynamo make use of additional cores, but be very careful as C3D, Revit and Dynamo don’t do this natively for good reason.
The log indicates the nodes are not being loaded correctly - but that their views are still in the graph - can you check in one of your graphs for an entry with an id of say:
and see if both the node and nodeView entry exist in your .dyn file?
or upload one of the .dyns which does not load correctly.
Unfortunately I don’t really know where to start in terms of programming. The visual aspect is the only part if it that I currently understand, maybe in 6 months or so I will know enough to go that route.
The restart did seem to work, but it seems some of my dyf files have a similar issue. It doesn’t seem to produce any errors on the log file.
@ Micheal
Here is the dyn file that was in the screenshot, I have made a edit to it where i removed the step portion from the list slice.
This dyn file seems to behaving itself for now. The issue now lies on some dyf files as mentioned to Jacob. It only seems to affect string items. The custom node is ProfileDatabandInformation. The original copy is shared online as a package (Civil-Prokon). I am attaching my local copy.
I’ve seen this behavior too, several times. The nodes are in the dyn file but not loaded correctly. Restarting Dynamo mostly helps. If you safe a file that is not loaded correctly, you will loose these nodes for good.
I did see that yes. Unfortunately I have lost some work in some of my .dyf files but at least I created a backup of the structure.
Just curios as to why this happens as it will help myself to prevent it from happening. I will just have to take extra precautions when I want to save my work.
This is a piece of the log file in such a situation:
2019-05-14 10:08:43Z : Welcome to Dynamo!
2019-05-14 10:08:43Z : 00:00:00.6209696 elapsed for loading Dynamo main window.
2019-05-14 10:08:45Z : Preparing to load the library resources.
2019-05-14 10:08:45Z : Dynamo is up to date.
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector 526bb682-1526-4d55-968c-82da4ce411f5 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector ab7ef322-79cf-4e61-a985-3a94adb8c274 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector e0701115-35bb-47cc-80a4-842082024859 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector cd0c9517-1391-49e6-bac9-3cbafafacb41 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector dd871252-3653-4030-8561-38ef7b36ff72 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector 4717fc89-693d-48c8-8592-96966b3fdbab could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector 2f543d0c-fc58-4103-bc7e-87f8ab741e29 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector a3879f24-6c0d-4d56-a7ba-433ecd545468 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector fd7cd30c-7b0a-4e39-8c08-59ec220c9913 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector c17fbe54-1dde-4374-ae13-aa26da79ea3a could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector a05ebad5-32c9-4cce-a796-f8427211dcd2 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector def24653-1b21-4d42-97d1-8406a1ac85e3 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector 35d12397-4231-4fd2-84c8-f83fe1e42c6a could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector 719ce220-2fc9-4b37-b26d-2e1715924549 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : connector 801a2eb8-aa39-4416-8e9f-d1e9d6e88b7e could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:f2806def-c50f-432a-8068-ba4b2983e869 and name:Corridors, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:b007e582-b262-497c-8da2-8ad98ecf5186 and name:Range, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:24e1f875-0526-4859-82c7-703fd8a4aa95 and name:String from Object, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:4d4014ea-b5ae-4b6a-ae48-ba0665437e91 and name:File Path, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:7c072095-d6f7-4cb4-b47a-2068b4f50be3 and name:List Create, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:117dc445-678a-4a0f-931a-51c4c109c1ff and name:Watch, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-14 10:08:55Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:4f29cd26-9f62-4930-8b35-2eba9352b080 and name:Watch, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
As you see these are standard Dynamo nodes (Watch, String from Object, Range, etc)
Closing Dynamo will help. It is not the dyn-file because it will open correctly later.
I can’t reproduce so I don’t remember what I did. I am in a learning stage so I did not do exciting things, just start C3D and Dynamo, load an example script and that’s it. Maybe opened a few drawings before or other example scripts. Not only on my computer, also a colleague had the same issue.
I do have custom nodes loaded, a dll I built in VS to see what’s possible with Dynamo but I didn’t use it in that script. My colleague had no custom nodes, just a fresh install.
I experienced this issue again after publishing a package. Seems to have broken my package
The issue is intermittent and I do not know how to reproduce this. I do think however it happens after you open and close dynamo a few times.
If you need any info then I will be more than willing to provide it. If it does happen again and you want to see this issue and work on the background then I can give access to you.
There are some custom stuff on my dynamo. This was the integration as proposed by Andrew Milford, this for my me did not work.
Edit… I reinstalled Dynamo for Civil 3D and restarted my computer. All items were restored… thankfully
It just happened again. The second script I opened gave errors:
Dynamo log started 2019-05-21 12:55:09Z
2019-05-21 12:55:09Z :
2019-05-21 12:55:10Z : RequestUpdateVersionInfo
2019-05-21 12:55:10Z : Requesting version update info...
2019-05-21 12:55:10Z : Dynamo -- Build
2019-05-21 12:55:10Z : Duplicate migration type registered for SunPathDirection
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : Dynamo will use the package manager server at : https://www.dynamopackages.com
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : DynamoPackageManager (id: FCABC211-D56B-4109-AF18-F434DFE48139) extension is added
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : Backup files timer is started with an interval of 60000 milliseconds
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Rendering Tier: 2
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Pixel Shader 3 Supported: True
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Pixel Shader 4 Supported: False
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Software Effect Rendering Supported: True
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Maximum hardware texture size: 16384,16384
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Rendering Tier: 2
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Pixel Shader 3 Supported: True
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Pixel Shader 4 Supported: False
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Software Effect Rendering Supported: True
2019-05-21 12:55:11Z : RENDER : Maximum hardware texture size: 16384,16384
2019-05-21 12:55:12Z : DynamoManipulationExtension (id: 58B0496A-E3F8-43D9-86D2-94823D1D0F98) view extension is added
2019-05-21 12:55:12Z : LibraryUI (id: 85941358-5525-4FF4-8D61-6CA831F122AB) view extension is added
2019-05-21 12:55:12Z : NotificationsExtension (id: ef6cd025-514f-44cd-b6b1-69d9f5cce004) view extension is added
2019-05-21 12:55:12Z : PackageManagerViewExtension (id: 100f5ec3-fde7-4205-80a7-c968b3a5a27b) view extension is added
2019-05-21 12:55:12Z : Welcome to Dynamo!
2019-05-21 12:55:12Z : 00:00:00.4146385 elapsed for loading Dynamo main window.
2019-05-21 12:55:12Z : Preparing to load the library resources.
2019-05-21 12:55:13Z : Dynamo is up to date.
2019-05-21 12:55:14Z : Clearing workspace...
2019-05-21 12:55:45Z : Clearing workspace...
2019-05-21 12:55:48Z : connector 79c84c74-8f09-4bf4-b609-f03c1863d317 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-21 12:55:48Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:214d8156-1703-468b-bf8e-adbe86ccb3fa and name:Aantal zijden, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-21 12:56:19Z : connector d9c3a292-96a6-4cbc-aa28-04bbc29c27f1 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-21 12:56:19Z : connector d9c3a292-96a6-4cbc-aa28-04bbc29c27f1 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-21 12:56:19Z : connector 876938d1-2946-48cf-af3a-b433d4a157da could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-21 12:56:19Z : connector 876938d1-2946-48cf-af3a-b433d4a157da could not be created, start or end port does not exist
2019-05-21 12:56:19Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:9c95a4f6-7248-404c-b04b-21d4ac9a6a6b and name:Integer Slider, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-21 12:56:19Z : This graph has a nodeview with id:223a9e11-a443-4247-b218-d49d010ba190 and name:Integer Slider, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
2019-05-21 12:56:59Z : DynamoPackageManager (id: FCABC211-D56B-4109-AF18-F434DFE48139) extension is removed
2019-05-21 12:56:59Z : Goodbye
I had to close C3D completely, then the script could be opened without errors.
If I redo every step I did, I still can’t reproduce.
@marnus it looks like both you and @Anton_Huizinga loaded your own zero touch .dlls - I see in your log this dll failed to import correctly.
Even if the dll was not used in the graph, it could cause an issue if it was loaded or partially loaded.
Can you try importing it again to see if the issue reoccurs? You can also share the dll with me if you are able so I can try to repro.
One thing to note is that when you import a dll directly we add this dll to the package paths- so it will be loaded again later if you don’t reimport it manually.
seeing the source and full references would help the most - the dependencies of your zero touch dlls are important to see.
Restarting C3D will solve the issue for at least that time. I can’t reproduce, one time it works, one time it does not.
My custom nodes is loaded directly, not as a package. I don’t think it causes the issue since my colleague experiences the same behavior and he does not have any custom node loaded. Also if it causes the issue, it should do that every time, not randomly.
In C3D we only have three apps loaded (company apps) and the Dutch country kit.