It is not about the details of a single function, it is about breaking things. In the mentioned Readme, there are many more functions marked as depricated. Why not do the same with the renamed or removed functions? From a developer’s point of view, it is a bad decision, just like the automatically modification of graphs, which is clearly a bad workaround to ‘fix’ what has been broken.
Maybe it sounds a bit harsh, and probably not fun to read, but it is how I look at this situation. But besides that, it is of course very good that there is a lot of development lately. And the new nodes are great to have.
I’ll update my package soon and will see how to fix the versioning.
In the Sample graph for 2025.1 I would like to add these nodes for the ViewportsAlongAlignment.
Then user will not get error message if the amount of viewport covers stations greater than the Alignment End station
@zachri.jensen previously it was possible using Civil 3D Toolkit to get all object styles in the document, is there a node for that in 2025.1? I can’t find it when I look through the new nodes in 2025.1
No, there isn’t a node to retrieve style names. At this stage, we haven’t defined a strategy for handling styles in Dynamo. Can you give some insight into what types of automation workflows you’re interested in with styles?
One of them is to get styles from document, for the moment I have only found a solution to add it static as string and it will be a bad solution in my case because we have different styles depending on which discipline template a design is based on
I have a graph where I set cogo points along a corridor and I let the user select which marker styles and label styles based on which styles is included in the document.
Just started a new job working for a City. Seems a bunch of my scripts are not working on the newly installed Civil 3D 2025. Some are easy enough to edit with the new nodes. Thanks Autodesk Team for the new nodes! But unfortunately my sheetset manager nodes that I use to manage keynotes is now broken. Hopefully independent package creators aren’t impacted too bad as Anton discusses above. Any plans for sheetset management to come to base dynamo?
If that’s the case, then that is a separate issue from the 2025.1 update. The sheet set manager requires working with the COM interop libraries, which are explicitly versioned. The versions get incremented each release, and so a package that depends on these libraries would frequently have to bump up as well to maintain compatibility. It looks like the AMR Sheet Set Manager package hasn’t been updated for a few years, so it likely didn’t work in 2025.0 either (just a hunch, I didn’t test this).
I took a look through the package source code (available here) and there actually aren’t any dependencies on the AutoCAD or Civil 3D node libraries at all. You could reach out to Adam to see if he can publish an update. Or someone else can take a stab at it since it’s open source!
The AMR sheetset manager nodes seem to be broken. Justin Ehart has an autodesk university class on how to use dynamo to utilize sheetset manager for keynotes. Ive been using that strategy for awhile now.
Edit: I see the replies above this one now Sorry on phone.
Hmmm yes hopefully it will get updated soon. I’ll reach out. It had no issues with C3D 2024.
I think every package is affected. Some won’t load at all but if they are getting loaded, it is not a guarantee that the nodes do work.
Like this morning, when testing my new package, to be sure all nodes work, I get this warning when trying to get the Modelspace as Layout:
WTF, I mean, why??? Who has suddenly decided that the Modelspace can’t be referenced as Layout? I have several nodes that have a layout input port, so users can choose if they want Modelspace or one of the other Layouts. Worked fine in prior versions. This example will take again a lot of useless pastime to fix broken things, as there are many of these ‘improvements’ in the Core.
Thanks for your effort Anton, I really appreciate all the hard work you do with upgrading your package and I look forward to continue using it in 2025.1
Thank you Patrick, but currently I wonder if it is worth continuing a new, combined package. What undocumented change do I have to work around after this? And I worry mostly about the upcoming 2025.2. Does Autodesk again change or remove functionality? I can’t check 800+ nodes with each new release, and certainly not develop different versions for each Dynamo release.
What method call are you making in Layout.GetModelLayout? There were no layout nodes in the main product previously, so I’d like to figure out if there is actually any change affecting you here.
Hm ok, after a research I have to agree with you that the Layouts were not yet in a previous version. I was using the same nodes before, but were based on a custom object.
Old code:
/// <summary>
/// Get Model Layout
/// </summary>
public static Layout GetModelLayout()
using (dynAppServ.DocumentContext ctx = new dynAppServ.DocumentContext(dynACNodes.Document.Current.AcDocument))
acDbServ.Transaction tr = ctx.Transaction; // using, disposing or submit a Transaction results in Fatal Error
acDbServ.DBDictionary dict = tr.GetObject(ctx.Database.LayoutDictionaryId, acDbServ.OpenMode.ForRead) as acDbServ.DBDictionary;
foreach (acDbServ.DBDictionaryEntry entry in dict)
if (entry.Key.Equals("Model", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true) { return new Layout(entry.Value); }
return null;
And the new code:
/// <summary>
/// Get Model Layout
/// </summary>
public static dynACNodes.Layout GetModelLayout() => dynACNodes.Layout.GetLayoutByName("Model");
The confusion arose on my side that the nodes were the same to my mind but suddenly did not accept Modelspace (it seems that I did not test this particular node after making it compatible to the core Layout object). My apologies for the accusation… I guess my vision is a bit clouded by all the changes lately and then any setback is like a red flag for a bull
But the initial confusion remains, how can Modelspace not be a Layout, and why such a vague description indicating that things cannot be added to Modelspace.
I have to rewrite my nodes again, or go back to my custom Layout object, which is not compatible with the core object. Neither option I find really appealing
The main reason is that the Model tab is not considered a layout (documentation). The majority of the layout nodes wouldn’t work with the Model tab, as it can’t be renamed, reordered, or contain viewports.
I agree with you that the warning message is unclear and should be improved. We will work on that