Civil3dToolkit problem civil3d 2025 version

Good morning everyone
This week I took the opportunity to update my version of civil 3d from 2023 to 2025 and what was my surprise that most of the nodes in the civil3dToolkit package are useless now. Many hours of dedication and a dozen good scripts created that are no longer worth anything. Does anyone know if these nodes will be useful again for the 2025 version, it’s a real shame

See here: Future of Civil 3D Toolkit and Camber Packages - #39 by Paolo_Emilio_Serra1

This isn’t entirely accurate. A good chunk of nodes have out of the box alternatives now, and for those which don’t you can always build your own. 99% of any automation effort is actually figuring out what you need to do and the order in which you need to do it. Those non-functional Dynamo graphs do just that, quite readily if you’re swapping Toolkit nodes for nodes from Camber or The Civil Nodes.


thanks Jacob, but is terrible… We will continue working, but it is a shame that the nodes are not updated. I have been using dynamo for a very short time (approximately 3 months) and those nodes were wonderful. I have managed to do in minutes what used to take me an hour…

The reason that the nodes don’t work is caused by Autodesk, by changing the API in Civil 3D 2025.1. That broke many node packages, not only C3DToolkit. Accusing the wrong person solves nothing else.

If you would have paid for the package, then indeed it is a shame that it is not updated. But it is voluntary work, and the author has mentioned that he cannot update the package to 2025. So it’s your choice to stay on Civil 3D 2024 (where the package still work) or continue with 2025 and improve your graphs.

There are many more changes in the core nodes that also need to be fixed in your graphs. But hopefully then you can work with the newest techniques for a while.