This is 10000% a discrepancy between the API and the UI, which i doubt will ever be addressed as it’d take a conceptual overhaul of sorts that I doubt users would appreciate.
That said…
I would argue that this is true for every reference of “model space” as a block too. As a former UI only user this took me awhile to wrap my head around, but eventually it made sense (in fact regular Dynamo didn’t even let it sink in, but poking at the DWG file structure via the API is when it clicked for me). We ahve to remember that users don’t necessarily comprehend the underlaying concepts of the API thanks to the consistency and intuitiveness of the AutoCAD UI. As such it’s on leaders in the community to educate new users.
THis might mean that @zachri.jensen or I have to say “model space is a block” in a forum post once every 20 days or so until the end of time, but I’m ok with that.
I do think it would be nice to refer to model space more directly than currently provided, and many nodes should have default input for ModelSpace as 99.9% of users are working there. Some of that might be addressed in 2025.1 but I working with 2023 for the time being.