Hey Guys - So i am looking to populate and existing excel file with data from revit. Writing data to excel is straightforward what i am looking to do is have my data from dynamo grow within row 8 and 22. In other words, i can populate row 8 to 22 with data from 15 rooms with dynamo but if i have a 16th room, it will overwrite the formula in row 23.
I can manually add 1 new row before row 23 which is fine. The formula will move to row 24 but still compute the data above. I just do not want to have to do it to 50 rooms.
Is this something that can be manipulated with dynamo or something i have to set up before using the excel file in dynamo? Ideally, I will like to use the room count to control the number of rows between the header and the formula row.