Dynamo Changes Reverting After Sync


I’ve made a quick dynamo definition to change all the view names to upper case in my project. It works fine, all the view names change, but when I sync, they revert back to the previous lower case spelling of the view name. Am I missing something, or a setting is off? I’ve never had this problem.
Any help would be appreciated.

I figured out the solution after some troubleshooting, if anybody needs it:

An error was occurring when the definition tried to change the name of the default 3D view names, containing {}'s. YOU can not use those characters in the name, so I added a filter to remove any views containing unavailable characters [()?/! and a few others.] Without renaming those views, the definition changed the case, and they remained changed after sync.

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could you share the dynamo script?

It has been 2 years since this person solved their own problem without even showing their script. This doesn’t seem a suitable topic to revive in this way.

There is nodes for renaming in lots of packages, element.setname in clockwork for example.

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