DYNAMO 0.7 UV grid for surface

Home QQ??20140706153625

Why not follow the surface given point? Fly to come forward range.
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Could you try something like this?


If you download the latest daily, you will find some amazing examples in the samples files . You can access them from Help>Samples>Geometry

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Hello Dimitar Venkov:
<div id=“outputText”>

That is what I want results.
<div id=“outputText”>

Please download the home.dyn file contents on the ground floor, and then look at my place unit process. ??!


Hello Maya88,

I am able to reproduce your problem with easy steps.

We are tracking this issue internally with issue ID MAGN-3871.

I think the problem with shape of Surface but it should work in nay case.

I will update you once it is fixed.

If you change second point to (0,0,0) which is creating your Arc, then all points are coming on Surface, but this will change shape of your surface.



Dimitar Venkov: Still not been resolved?

We will have to wait for the issue to be resolved. Maybe you could try rebuilding the geometry in Dynamo 0.63

Hello Maya88,

You need to change the lacing to Cross Product", as in your attached image I can see it is set to Shortest.



extrude curve ,surface
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<div dir=“ltr”>No response.
<div id=“gt-res-content”>
<div dir=“ltr”>“Surface.PointAtParameter” node , Squeeze out of the plane can not generate the grid points with surface size is very strange!</div>

QQ??20140802145108 QQ??20140802152657

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<div dir=“ltr”>QQ??20140802153535This problem has’t yet resolved.</div>