DynaMapsNodesFunctions.CleanRevitExtrusionDS operation failed

Hello, I’m trying to use DynaMaps to generate the context surrounding one of our projects. Following the latest guide from data-shapes.io https://data-shapes.io/2019/08/17/dynamaps-to-revit/

When I run the script, I encounter this problem: DynaMapsNodesFunctions.CleanRevitExtrusionDS operation failed.

Any idea of what might cause this error?

I’m using: Revit 19.2.20 and Dynamo 2.0.3

Thanks in advance.

Hi Dounia, i have got the same problem, what i did i restarted Revit and dynamo, it works in the end!
try to do that, other ways can you share the full graph ?

Hi, I tried that, but still the same issue. Here’s the graph:
DynaMaps.dyn (13.9 KB)

Thanks again.


At the end, it worked fine just by changing the location on the map!

Sorry I don´t understand.

I changed the location but still the same error message…


I’ve the following message : “DynaMapsNodesFunctions.CleanRevitExtrusionDS operation failed. The profile CurveLoops are open”.

I tried to randomly generate heights of extrusion cause the extract of the maps give me buildings with no height. But this solution doesn’t seem to work…

If you have any clue… Thanks