Dynamap roads problem (topo subregion)

Hi all,

I got a problem trying to use the dynamap package : it is ok with buildings and topography but I have a problem with the roads. I got an error on the roadAsSubregions node : “The input curve loops cannot compose a valid boundary…”

I tried different width of roads but still the same error…

Anyone got any ideas ?

Here is the complete error message :
“Avertissement:DynaMapsNodesFunctions.subregionTest l’opération a échoué.
The input curve loops cannot compose a valid boundary, that means: no curve loop is contained in the given collection; these curve loops intersect with each other for some of them; or each curve loop is not closed individually; or each curve loop is not planar; or each curve loop is not in a plane parallel to the horizontal(XY) plane.
Parameter name: curveLoops”


dynamo problem|690x301

You are connecting polysurfaces to polycurves… get polycurves from first node and connect it to subregions.