Hello Everyone! I was trying to build some patterns using Dynamo and I got hit by this video
and I thought was incredible. I could figure almost everything apart from this blue/grey node (REGULAR AREA REBUILD)
Some one could guess what it is?
Hello Everyone! I was trying to build some patterns using Dynamo and I got hit by this video
and I thought was incredible. I could figure almost everything apart from this blue/grey node (REGULAR AREA REBUILD)
Some one could guess what it is?
@jessy this is a so called “custom node”, a collection of Dynamo nodes, which are condensed into one node, to make a graph more readable. You can “look into it” by right mouse button clicking on it, and choosing “Edit Custom Node”:
Hey Michael, good afternoon mate, how are you?! Hope you´re doing well. I understand that, but this is not my screen… This is just a screen shot from the video that I took. I wish I could have those nodes, specially this one, so I could check the script or the custom. Can you share it? Regards, JP
Hi Jessy,
Sure thing:
regular_area_rebuild.dyf (70.0 KB)
UA_shoe_sole_demo.dyn (63.9 KB)
I pulled them directly from disk, without testing anything, so they come with no warranty.
Hey ! Yes! That´s awesome, I will try right away! Thank you! Really appreciated
Can you then please mark my post above as solution, so people know that this has been taken care of, when they see the thread on the top level?
Thanks Michael! That was very helpful!