Hi, I’m trying to duplicate Schedule in different level but i’m note find node.
Does anyone have trying to duplicate Schedule by level and rename them by dynamo.
I need to help please
Could you please provide more information on what you are seeking? A screenshot of what you would like to see in Revit would be of use.
I’m want to automatic duplicate Schedule by level
this schedules want to duplicate automatically and rename
Download the package archi-lab - it has a node for duplicating views that will also allow you to set the name as you duplicate it. Once you duplicate your schedule view, you will need to use the out-of-the-box Dynamo nodes ScheduleFilter.ByFieldTypeAndValue and ScheduleView.AddFilters.
Here is just a snippet of what you’ll need to do to help get you started:
Post back with an image of your graph if you get stuck
thinks a lot I will trying thinks for help
i want duplicate schedules the same number of level ex: i have 20 level then i want 20 schedules for every one that my idea
i search for node for this but until now
The Views.Duplicate node from archi-lab will duplicate your view as many number of times as the number of names you supply it.
Collect your Levels using All Elements of Category with the category Levels, and then use Level.Name. This will give you a string for each Level. Combine these strings with the name of your schedule, and then use that output as the input for “name” on the Views.Duplicate node. This will duplicate your schedule by the number of levels in your project.
Try this in Dynamo and then post an image here of what you have tried, and I can give you more clarification
I have a problem with filter can any one help my to solve that error
@badrabdulhamid96 I believe your only error is that you need to connect the Level elements to the ScheduleFilter value input, right now you are connecting strings (the levels’ names)
You may also need to adjust the level for the value input to @L1 so it only adds one filter per schedule
Thanks Amy for help but there is a problem i want to filter every schedule his level and relay thinks for help
I’m not exactly sure what you mean but I am assuming you mean you want each separate schedule to have one single filter for its respective level, so you will need to change the value input to @L1 as I suggested above. See if this accomplishes what you are trying to achieve:
I’m want to make filter for every schedule by level that he named that’s my idea i will try
Ok I understood you correctly then! The @L1 on the value input should accomplish this
I just realized that you have an unnecessary added List Level from the List.Create node before Views.Duplicate. Here is a revised mark up:
Hi, I’m running into a similar issue here. I’m trying to do something very similar only with a mulitcategory schedule filter by room. When I follow your suggestion of changing the level for the Value to 1, I’m still getting a schedule that’s adding 8 filters per schedule and not following the list.
To clarify, I have a basic schedule set up the way I want to. I’m trying to duplicate that schedule, name it, and filter it per room. ie so the schedule only shows the items that are within that room.
Duplicating the schedule looks good. The filters look good. But it doesn’t seem to want to apply only one per view.
Found the solution. Needed to set Lacing to longest in the Add Filter Node.