Duplicate Materials by Excel file

i have 10 base materials in revit, with proper rgb, mark, name, description and hatch patterns. i also have an excel file that has another 28 names, marks, descriptions and rgb,

i need to create these 28 new types based on those 10 to use their hatch patterns only and get the rest of the info from the excel, and in the end, i’d like to have 280 materials.

i can create the materials but the render color and color fill dont match, also i can not set the mark and description into the new ones.

it creates the materials but there are 2 issues, Mark and Description wont go thru, and i can not copy the color to render color so they match… frustrating

ok, latest update, i created a sample file and everything works. seems like something goes wrong in the excel part of my previous graph. i was wondering if anyone can help please
