Dummy objects in metric units system.. CAN'T SEE!

This is one old unsolved problem as far as I know.
How can I check dummy objects(eg. plane, ucs, grid…) in metric unit system?
we are all using metric system out of US…
You may not understand what this means if you are using imperial.
see the images… both are same model and only unit system different.
I expected it would be solved in Dynamo v2.x, but…
This is the most annoying part for me. Really…

What are your project units? My guess is you’re using MM as the base unit, where as the imperial is using feet. So your metric geometry is 5,000+ Units wide where as the imperial geometry is 18+ units. It’s equally bad for infrastructure projects where feet are the base unit in imperial projects.

As a quick work around, change your project units to meters and you should see a larger display for these non-physical geometries. As a more robust work-around, a view extension should be able to scale those to the scale of the view, or allow for a slider to adjust the scale of such objects.

I know there are some workarounds.
But still it’s annoying.
Dynamo has to let me handle dummy size or provide setting for metric units. Or just automate it.
We are talking about high-tech engineering system, and it’s almost 2019. not 1979

I agree it’s an issue, but I disagree with the impact relative to the other issues which are already reported.

You may not be aware, but until relatively recently Dynamo always worked with Revit internal units, meaning everything was in decimal feet, so that masked the impact of this issue across the user base who work in MM.

The best way to get the changes you want to see is creating an issue on the GitHub page, as part of Dynamo Core not Dynamo Revit (it would impact design in MM or large scale work in any unit so I would file it there not in the Dynamo Revit section).

ok, i shoud try it.
Thanks, Jacob

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