Door Tags in Dynamo

I have created graph for door tags of my work template. Every door tag is in the form as Internal door = G.31 External door = G.01 , where G means ground floor level ( floor level on which door is placed) 01 / 31 sequence for door numbers.
I am not able to connect the lists in the form of my template. As the lists are not taking internal/ external filtering. What should I do? Using REVIT 2022
Dynamo revit

What are you trying to do here?

I am trying to generate sequence based on filter. But it is not working I tried to create filter for separating 31 and 1 but the issue is all indices are changing.

Below is the new list sorting I tried. This is not working as well.

I was following this graph and tweaked it for my template.

This is the solution I followed

Consider using an extra parameter to store sequencing. Combine it with the prefix by level. This simplifies the process. If you want to prevent sequencing changes, utilize ‘list.Maximum’ to start new sequencing for newly added elements after script runs. Filter out elements with existing tag values.

@NIRMAL Sorry I am new to Dynamo if you can show me as graph that you said it’ll be easier for me to follow.