Does the flip control have a category?

I have been trying to identify the category of the flip control within the family editor:

Is there a way to access the element other than through the visible elements in view or through a direct selection?

@danail.momchilov ,



@danail.momchilov ,

i would work through a other way f.e. RevitAPI …whats your aim? finaly

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I have this family, where for some reason flippers are only visible in the project, but not in the family editor:

I doublechecked all standard reasons - they are not hidden, etc. When I add new ones, they are already visible both in the family editor and the project:

However, I still see the old ones in the project as well:

I have been trying to erase them with Dynamo to fix this bug. I also checked the Flip method of the FamilyInstance Class, but again, it’s also available only in an open document, not in the family editor.

@danail.momchilov ,

maybe just in a other view? you could duplicate the view without details? or is it far away from the origin?

Thx for your suggestion, just found it out, they were created in the Ceiling Plan View for some reason… and were only visible there in the editor :slight_smile: I would still dig further to find a way to get them through the API, but at the moment my issue is solved

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QM_MirrorCheck.dyn (9.1 KB)

@danail.momchilov ,

maybe there is a intersection regarding your topic …

Not exactly, this is still accessing the property through the family instance, e.g. it can only work in a project, not in the family editor :frowning: