Do I need to install all the HotFixes in order?

Reinstalling Revit 2022
Do I need to go through all the hotfixes in order or can I just skip to the most recent one?

I think you can just install the newest one, but I recommend asking this on a Revit forum if you want to be sure.

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I double checked with ChatGPT that’s been causing such a stir over AI recently,
and it recommends installing them in order, I guess it doesn’t take that much longer.
Mainly on a previous install the Dynamo Player greys out but never launches, so I was hoping a reinstall might clean it up.

I wouldn’t rely on ChatGPT for these kinds of things.


Best practice is to ask stuff like this on the Revit support forum, where some of my colleagues can set the record straight, as the answer will vary depending on the actual situation.

Worst practice is to ask an AI, which will make an estimate based on whatever it can scrape data from (not necessarily official sources), and devoid of real context and any insight.

Intermediate practice is to ask here… while there are people with the required insight, there are a lot without that knowledge; you might get similar answers by asking in the local supermarket.


But it sure can make for a fun answer!


haha, I love, excited to see you coming back to youtube too!

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