Divide wall into partitions

Hi all,

I am embarking on the adventure of modeling 3D rebar…
I want to make a proof of concept in Dynamo before moving even trying to do this with Pyrevit

Can someone help me on my way dividing a wall into partitions based on all the faces in a wall.
For example, the wall below has an opening, so rebar cant be continues in these partitions… So basically i need points on the edges and then creating lines between the two points if the resulting line ends up in the wall. It’s hard to explain but ill try to explain with screenshots:

The example wall:

The partitions im talking about:

The lines in between points i want:

One more thing to note,

I can’t deviate from the spacing in between the sections, it should be a continuous spacing of n mm.

I can get to this point:

The desired result :

Hi @Garbage_Collector probably an intersect…

Hmm i think im missing something…

Your preview is exactly what i was after, but when i recreate your nodes i get this:

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all good i guess, just turn off the preview in the iso nodes

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Very nice this was exactly what i needed!

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