Dividing Walls Based on Length

Struggling if it’s better to write some python or use if statements to divide a wall into smaller walls based on it’s length. (video question)

I tried the divide.byparts node, but that turned the wall into a part and I lost all of the property data which is something that is critical to this workflow being useful.

I have used the divide walls by level before.

divide part node doesn’t work on dividing wall element. there’s a different. I believe that you are trying to split a wall let say the wall intersect each other and you would want to split the wall that are being intersected into 2 halves.

To split a wall you need to do the following step/workflow:
Finding wall location line.
Divide the wall into two curves.
Copy the original wall so that now you can have 2 copied wall.
Change each wall’s location curve for the two “halves” from the step above.
But do take note that there is no API in Revit that will just split the wall in two halves.

could you make an example script