Directions to follow for this 3d array ontop surface

i am looking for the best way to fo the following

…have rectangles that are extrude.(boxes) follow a polyline (arrayed)
… en also follow the slope of a surface . so the 4 outer corners lay on top of a surface… whatever form or slope the surface may have
rectangle array along path. extrude the rectangles (solids)
follow flow/shape of surface . like draping

Might be hard to bend a rectangle like that. Try to use a 3Dpolyline with 90 degrees angles instead. Probably easier to set elevation on them.
What have you tried so far.
Please share your graph and a dwg and we can try to help you after that.

An idea:

  1. Locate the rectangle in plan.
  2. Get the corner points using a PolyCurve.Points node.
  3. Use a Surface.ElevationAtPoint node to get the corner points on the surface.
  4. Draw a polygon through the projected points.
  5. Create a solid by lofting between the two.

I only have a vague idea. No graph yet

This could work. Thank you