Dimensions Grids to Fittings

Hi All

I’m trying to put dimmensioners on my fittings using Dynamo. My scrip works, but only some of my fittings get dimming.
What am I overlooking?

Etc. Jacob.

For fitting try origin reference and not familyinstance reference

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Thanks for the quick reply Sovitek.

I’m next in line. It finds the lines but does not apply dimensions.

allright try disconnect your dimtype…keep it empty…or feed in a family dimension type

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It doesn’t really work. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you.
I still only get the blue line

As you probably know, English is not my first language.

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whats happend when you keep it empty…btw which revit verion are you in ? høhøh Jacob hvis jeg tror hvem du er nu jeg ser navnet :wink: :wink:

Do you mean dimensionType should be empty.

I am in Revit 2022.1
Dynamo Core
Dynamo Revit

Jeg er lige præcis ham slight_smile:

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så fedt :wink: :wink:


YES empty no feeding in there :wink: and see i f works

nothing happens

is it latest genius loci package ?

Genius Loci 2023.7.13

hmmm…try update to the latest

PS try pull onto plane

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Update to 2024 - Here’s how it worked.
Fortunately, projects have just been updated :grinning:

Thanks Sovitek
Kan altid regne med dig :+1: