Dimensions c/c structural framing in active view

Hi guys.

im trying to create a script in Dynamo to automatically place dimensions between elements in this case structural framings/columns in active view, with flexibility for switching between families and orientation (horizontal/vertical)

im fairly new to Dynamo but made a couple of simple scripts.

im not asking for a whole script but just help to get started on how to create dimensions between elements :slight_smile:

the goal is to make it look something like this.


That’s definitely possible.
You should use the search function for automatic dimensions in the forum. There are a bunch of examples available :slight_smile:

I have ben looking around but they seem very complicated with Python scripts and so on

This is a very thorough discussion about dimensioning walls, if you can get this to work, I assume it would be relatively simple to set it up for the faces of your structural elements:

Hi @Mheftholm687CH i like genius loci for that kind…here is a fast example…play around with it :slight_smile:

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Thats exactly what im looking for !
i tried to replicate your script but i get an error at the Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.

allright…could you share the sample rvt file you work on

its a work file so i cant do that sorry.

but the families i use is from the revit library not sure if that has anything to do with is :slight_smile:

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try as here and see if it could be better…basic the line by point its just for a location for the dimline…if all go wrong then draw a detail line in the view and get the element.curve and try if that works


i get no warnings now but the famyinstance gives an empty list for the horizontal elements.
is there missing some refference lines in the family?

Hi i assume you vertical is struc columns and horizon is struc fram…try select that only

Home.dyn (36.7 KB)

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The topic had gotten my interest. I do feel like I see a Small difference here in both the scripts?

I dont know if i’m reading it correctly because the image aint that sharp on my screen. But the code Block surrounded with a red block reads 7 right? and in the other script i see in both code blocks a 1 referenced. so maybe there is a difference there?


Yeas true :wink: it isnt the same reference for both framing and columns…nice catch :wink:

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That did the trick !!! thank you so much ! :smiley:

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